Sparsh Foundation


It is common knowledge that in India if someone from an affluent background falls sick, then no matter how serious the condition because they have access to corporate hospitals and money, they are guaranteed to receive the best treatment. Therefore their chances of recovery and return to wellness are extremely high. On the other hand, if someone from a poor background has a simple problem they may get basic treatment at the various public and NGO setups throughout the country – the problem arises when their needs are more complex. Complexity can arise from a need for a higher level of infrastructure, cutting-edge equipment, innovative skills, or even access to a multidisciplinary approach where experts from different specializations can work together to provide a solution.
Given the lack of high-quality infrastructure and modern equipment required to deal with such complex problems, government setups are simply unable to help these needy folks. While one may argue that there are many schemes available under public regulations, many of these are not implemented or feasible for corporate hospitals as the prices do not match their cost structures. So where does this poor person go?
Here we must acknowledge the few exceptions to the public health system in our Nation – AIIMS, PGI, and NIMHANS are global centers of excellence but the demand for their services is extraordinarily high as a result and the burden of the country’s need cannot be met by these.
It is here that the Vachana Foundation steps in and we see this as a natural progression, indeed a Call to Action for all corporate hospitals and private healthcare practitioners to use what they already have – great infra, equipment, skills, and just simply ADD a promise to do this for people who cannot afford them. The Vachana Foundation will act as a bridge for those with the need and those with the resources by stepping in with access, network, and funds – whatever is required to get the needy person to a better life.

Osteogenesis Imperfecta – CP 

Cross deformity correction – plastic with ortho  

Post accident complex resconstructions and rehab 

Multi organ Transplants for the poor 

Multiple Congenital anomalies

Spine with feet correction – bifida

Liver diseases with comorbidities 

PMR Rehab – speech therapy, rehab back to work, but not deaddiction 

Syndromic children


Diabetes and its manifestations – ulcer, renal failure 

Osteogenesis Imperfecta – CP 

Cross deformity correction – plastic with ortho  

Post accident complex resconstructions and rehab 

Multi organ Transplants for the poor 

   Multiple Congenital anomalies

Spine with feet correction – bifida

Liver diseases with comorbidities 

PMR Rehab – speech therapy, rehab back to work, but not deaddiction 

Syndromic children


Diabetes and its manifestations – ulcer, renal failure 

Surgeries for 1800+ Children 

Joint Replacement surgeries for retired teachers

Surgeries for our Police Forces

The Vachana Foundation has undertaken thousands of complex surgeries for people in need from across India and beyond. One of the most notable surgeries includes that of the eight-limbed girl Lakshmi Tatma which was performed by the skillful doctors at SPARSH Hospital and not only brought international recognition to the institution but also made the world sit up and view the medical fraternity of our country with new respect. Our Prime minister Dr.Manmohan Singh wrote an appreciatory letter applauding Dr.Sharan Patil on performing such a rare feat.